Sunday, July 26, 2020

In which I screwed up a lot

In which I screwed up a lot Things you should not do on Athena, not even accidentally, because it will wreak havoc on any link you have made to anything in it ever ever ever: Delete your Public folder. Even if you try and fix it two minutes later and create a new Public folder and put everything back in your Athena locker, the damage will still be done. So heres a lesson for you: never delete your Public. NEVER DELETE YOUR PUBLIC. If you are trying to delete an item in your Public that you do not want there anymore and you have done this a thousand times before and twelve times already that morning, you will probably accidentally delete the entire folder anyway and then you will be made of fail and then the little voice in your head that mocks you all the time will point and laugh at you for ten million years. JUST THOUGHT YOU SHOULD KNOW. Anyway, half the photo posts on my blog are full of broken links. What up, guys. I got a degree from MIT and it has taken me two months to figure out how to fix my broken blog. I am working on fixing this, anonymous person who probably got assigned to Senior Haus in the housing lottery and then sent me an email asking to fix the links in my posts about the dorm. So yeah, Im working on it, guys. In the meantime, take this picture of a drawing of a Slowpoke as a token of my affection. Edit: Fixed! Alex 12 is made of awesome. Also this was fixed by a one-line Athena command that I have totally used before and definitely knew. Um. Yes. Definitely. (Learn your way around Athena, guys. Its super useful.)